act 4


the walk began at 3:00 pm in McNabb Park (Bronson and Gladstone), and ended up at Arlington 5 (Arlington and Bank) about 40-45 mins later (be on time!).

the soundwalk was designed and facilitated by Dr. Vincent Andrisani, who walked participants through exploring what the city sounds like and what those sounds tell us. for more info about soundwalking, download the following guide titled “What’s in a Soundwalk?”.

from 4 to 5/5h30 pm, a conversation on the soundwalk was held @Arlington 5.

started @ McNabb Park (Bronson & Gladstone) on Mar 13, 2022 @ 3 pm

if you missed the soundwalk, here you can find the instructions to explore the same area listening to the city independently. It will not be the same type of experience, lacking the group dimension, but it is a good exercise.

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