Counter-Maps: Co-creation & Discussion

March 19th, 2-5 pm at 464 Metcalfe Street

this event, co-organized by Chiara Del Gaudio (Urban Imaginaries Lab) and Project Project Collective, had students from Chiara’s Design Anthropology course showcasing their work on the topic: the financialization of housing.


it is made of 2 main parts:

1) targeted discussion with experts;

2) students from Chiara’s Design Anthropology Master course will hold short co-creative sessions to counter-map together the phenomenon in Ottawa:

  • 1. Ghost Spaces: The effects of ghost buildings in communities by Amelia Zaiane, Camryn O’Donnell, Lan Vu and Stefanos Tse;

  • 2. Hack the News by Erika MacGregor, Melanie Gridley, Monica Doan, and Yi Luo;

  • 3. The Writing on the Wall by Eben De Shane-Gill, Hooman Gheshlaghi, Nathalie Tambay and Suzanne Kennedy.

over the last month, students have been busy counter-mapping some areas of Ottawa.

more specifically, within this broad topic, in groups, students have been looking at either: 1) “renovictions” and 2) ‘ghost’ neighbourhoods.

they investigated these topics and designed activities for us to reflect collectively on what is happening in the city.

thank you to all of those who participated in the event by engaging with the students and their work and taking part in collective discussions.